Monday, December 26, 2016


I carried her up softly in my arms rushing  to the shadows ,I wanted to keep her safe from the worst ,I looked at her face under sunshine ,as I saw her for the first-time I tucked away a lock  of her hair  to see her face clearly ,caressed her forehead and stroked her cheek gently with my fingertips .

her skin was pale and diaphanous ,she was very beautiful and pretty laid her down gently under the huge wooded tree, "she is soulless"I thought, but she was unconscious so I took out my bottle of water , poured  a few drops on my palm and splashed  her soft  face ,I then lied down beside her, turned to her and lifted my head to her. I bent over and buried my face in her hair "it is fairylike , soft and radiant it smells nice she is breathtaking I pulled  my face away and looked at her radiance fondly ; I smiled because finally she breathed  I turned to her and brought  myself up to her , her breath stroked my  nostril and I inhaled it with my eyes  closed wanting to  absorb and soak up all it I closed it brushing  my nose with hers.
her savour and her fragrance are tasty  , I smiled again "I had feelings for her for along time but she's never ever known  about them" I thought,  l lifted my head up and graped a wisp from her hair, then took in it's smell, it smelled Jasmine flower ,she always liked this scent and I like it too, l love everything which she loves, I brushed her wisp with my lips and lifted my eyes up to her and hovered them all over  her body,  I wanted to kiss her lips but I know it's wrong and harmful to her because it's equalvent to raping so I don't  want to get her in harms way.
 "maybe kissing  her blushing cheek is  not too bad" I thought,  so I leaned over her kissing her blushing cheek and I passed my lips up down her cheek, I  wanted to touch her ,I've always wanted or rather i've wanted to touch her  since I set my eyes on her.
she is like a breeze of summer which blew up in dark black starry night ,no one knows how much I love her, no one knows that I'll risk my life for her،that I'll do everything she wants me to do .
No she mustn't die ,my life will be over if she passes away, she's my lifeline , I'll always save her and I saved her from creepy blast ,I don't who the bomber is ,why did he do it?
but all that I remember , was her body laying on ground like a corpse, so I ran toward her shaking quiveringly "NO NO YOU SHOULDN'T DIE, DON'T LEAVE ME PLEASE " but there no answer she was still senseless, so I put my ear to her chest to listen  if her heart still pulses it was ,but very weakly,  she needs to breath fresh air, so I picked her up and I went out before  all the burning flames eat us ; l stared at where her heart should be, I rested my hand at it and noticed that her pulses was still weak, and realised I had to me press both of my hands at her heart and push it harder and make it beat faster to keep her alive .
when I pressed pushing my hands at her heart she moaned , her eyes opened and I breathed in relief "she came back to live" ,"I waited for this moment for so long "," does she  know  where  she is" , "does she realise someone helped her" my thoughts were a mess, but before opening her eyes I tried to make up my mind "I'll  let her see me her as hero, but what if she doesn't see me as one , did I presume that she see me as her one, is it all in my head ,to make her to fall in love with me " she only thought of me as her brother ,and yes I'm satisfied with that ,it was sufficient so far ,so I decided to disappear from her sight, I stood up ready to go away but before I began to go she tried open her eyes but she blinked , I smiled and thought "not now , Maybe later  I'll show  myself as lover " then I disappeared in pile of steam ....

Saturday, July 30, 2016

The one who never confronted the war will never feel in pleasure of victory 

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Lfie is not gloomy gray or dark black but it is just there no light .....